
Repair Economy WA does not endorse a particular business, company or any organization through its website.

Repair Economy WA does not make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility, for the businesses, organizations, products or processes identified or disclosed on the Repair Economy WA website. The resources shared through here are meant to show a representation of both small and large for-profit, nonprofit and grassroots organizations, companies and businesses across a wide geographic area of Portland. By providing this service, Portland Repair Finder takes no responsibility for the quality, accuracy or timeliness of customer service provided by any companies, businesses or organizations identified on this website.

For a business or organization to be listed on Repair Economy WA, the organization or business must be open to, allow the participation of, and offer its products or services to all citizens or patrons, without regard to race/ethnicity/national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income, age or other protected class.

If Repair Economy WA is informed or otherwise becomes aware that a business, company or organization does not meet these criteria, then Repair Economy WA will act to remove the business, company or organization from the website.